Its time for DiL-ViL to move, this time, from the city of the London Eye to the Big Apple, i.e. New York City.
That would mean quite a big change in terms of society, ambience, mores and values; but not as much as change in 'little things' like measurement units, which side of the road one drives on, public transportation system, tax laws... or even the name of this blog.
Desi in New York - Videshi in Lucknow doesn't sound the same, does it? But I am sure that the experiences of move, that of being an 'outsider' yet again, would be interesting.
May 04, 2007
April 19, 2007
Racism, castes and shame - Rejoinder to a Comment
Following my earlier post on 'Racism, castes and shame,' I received an interesting comment from a friend. I think that the subject matter and the debate is important enough to be addressed directly in a post rather than in the comment section.
Here is the body of the comment:
" is far more honourable to be correct than to be politically correct. Let us not get into breast beating because of a brain washed wimpy new generation.
Nature loves winners and they are naturally the Strong. The Weak are food for the Strong. Looking at the Strong, however, the Weak can also learn/progress ,bide their time, and at times turn the tables.When that happens, they must eat/ dominate the erstwhile Strong - that too is justice. Look for instance at wildlife. A pride of lions can chase a herd of bison and maybe kill a weak one. But a single bison would most likely kill a small lion. Also, if a herd were to stand firm, lions would have to look elsewhere.
Surviving deer get to build greater speed into their genes .Nature has room for all.
Just because some semi-literate self styled experts (western christian/ liberal)preach a feel good new doctrine, one doesn't throw darwinism, nietzsche, vivekananda and Manu out the door. To evolve and become more and more superior until each one becomes the Superman he is capable of being, is one's Duty. Humans are not equal. Each is at a different evolutionary level of soul/ physical form. By forcing a terrible, artificial equality, we would descend into communism again.
Varnashrama- is based on a profound and well organized system of social order. Its present form may be corrupted. But if one were to follow a suitable mix of the Mandarin system ( meritocracy based on testing) instead of heriditary caste system, you have the best of all worlds.
If you look at affirmative action in the USA and Reservation quotas in India, that is a correction. It is also as apparently evil as the problem it seeks to remedy, but will run its course.
Nature balances everything. You would recall- from Brownian motion, the sum of all moments is ZERO!"
And here is what I think.
First, let's assess the key argument that you have made, i.e. if 'it' happens in nature, it is correct. Dominance and predation is observed in nature, so that is factually correct. But racism, casteism are not so observed. Does that mean that racism and casteism are unnatural?
Further, extension of your argument of nature- based dominance to culture- based discrimination implicitly assumes that this extension is valid. This is a point I disagree on. Human societal and cultural values may be derived from nature but clearly these are more than just that. We humans do make clear preferences about things that may not be directly sanctioned by nature. To take your own suggestion of spirituality ("evolutionary level of soul"); soul is not an observed entity in nature while matters related to soul/ religion can occupy a major position in human lives.
For me it is clear that as humans we make choices - in as much as the concept of free choice is a valid one - about what we want to be as individuals and as a group or a society. And this is central to the issue of racism or castes: what kind of society do we want to build and live in.
Second, the notion of 'artificial equality' that you bring up. I agree that all human beings are not "equal". They are neither born equal: After all, there is a lottery in terms of genes affecting health, looks and perhaps even intelligence; let alone the family circumstances, society and geography differs which can drastically after their nurture, nutrition and survival. (This is analogous to the term 'natural endowments' in Economics.) Nor are we "equal" in terms of our responses, efforts, etc. as we live our lives. All this inequality is observable without succumbing to any notions of 'supermen' or different spiritual development.
Now as you would notice, the above- mentioned usage of "equality" implies same-ness. And enforcing that kind of equality is artifical and abhorrent, let alone being impossible. Is it this notion of equality that we are talking about when we refer to racism and castes? No. If anything, the relevant notion of equality is that of equality of opportunity.
Racism and casteism strongly vitiate against equality of opportunity. Despite being socio- cultural constructs, these serve to artifically distort personal choices, reduce access to education and social infrastructure and hence also subsequent economic contribution. Essentially, racism and casteism are themselves artifical barriers, anything but natural, and if society were to be viewed in terms of a 'market' (in the economic sense) these are market imperfections. In sum, they are at least as bad a case of artificiality as communism. To use words similar to yours, "enforcing a terrible, artifical" inequality (like racism or castes) can also cause us to descend into nightmares of a shattered, fragmented, dysfunctional society.
Finally, your mention of corrections and things evening out in the long run (I especially liked the bit about brownian motion, a sweet allusion to our undergraduate studies) is valid but neither here nor there. In the long run, to paraphrase Keynes, we are all dead.... and in the very long run, the physical entropy can only increase. Remember the 2nd law of thermodynamics?
But so what? In my view, consciousness is the prime anti- entropy force. And if we call ourselves conscious, sentient beings then we have a responsibility to do what is right and not merely let so- called nature run its course. As you are fond of saying, "all this is Maya", an illusion. Well, even if we are mere actors in a play, let us be good actors, let us be the best actors we can be.
Join the side of the Force, Lord Vader :-)
Here is the body of the comment:
" is far more honourable to be correct than to be politically correct. Let us not get into breast beating because of a brain washed wimpy new generation.
Nature loves winners and they are naturally the Strong. The Weak are food for the Strong. Looking at the Strong, however, the Weak can also learn/progress ,bide their time, and at times turn the tables.When that happens, they must eat/ dominate the erstwhile Strong - that too is justice. Look for instance at wildlife. A pride of lions can chase a herd of bison and maybe kill a weak one. But a single bison would most likely kill a small lion. Also, if a herd were to stand firm, lions would have to look elsewhere.
Surviving deer get to build greater speed into their genes .Nature has room for all.
Just because some semi-literate self styled experts (western christian/ liberal)preach a feel good new doctrine, one doesn't throw darwinism, nietzsche, vivekananda and Manu out the door. To evolve and become more and more superior until each one becomes the Superman he is capable of being, is one's Duty. Humans are not equal. Each is at a different evolutionary level of soul/ physical form. By forcing a terrible, artificial equality, we would descend into communism again.
Varnashrama- is based on a profound and well organized system of social order. Its present form may be corrupted. But if one were to follow a suitable mix of the Mandarin system ( meritocracy based on testing) instead of heriditary caste system, you have the best of all worlds.
If you look at affirmative action in the USA and Reservation quotas in India, that is a correction. It is also as apparently evil as the problem it seeks to remedy, but will run its course.
Nature balances everything. You would recall- from Brownian motion, the sum of all moments is ZERO!"
And here is what I think.
First, let's assess the key argument that you have made, i.e. if 'it' happens in nature, it is correct. Dominance and predation is observed in nature, so that is factually correct. But racism, casteism are not so observed. Does that mean that racism and casteism are unnatural?
Further, extension of your argument of nature- based dominance to culture- based discrimination implicitly assumes that this extension is valid. This is a point I disagree on. Human societal and cultural values may be derived from nature but clearly these are more than just that. We humans do make clear preferences about things that may not be directly sanctioned by nature. To take your own suggestion of spirituality ("evolutionary level of soul"); soul is not an observed entity in nature while matters related to soul/ religion can occupy a major position in human lives.
For me it is clear that as humans we make choices - in as much as the concept of free choice is a valid one - about what we want to be as individuals and as a group or a society. And this is central to the issue of racism or castes: what kind of society do we want to build and live in.
Second, the notion of 'artificial equality' that you bring up. I agree that all human beings are not "equal". They are neither born equal: After all, there is a lottery in terms of genes affecting health, looks and perhaps even intelligence; let alone the family circumstances, society and geography differs which can drastically after their nurture, nutrition and survival. (This is analogous to the term 'natural endowments' in Economics.) Nor are we "equal" in terms of our responses, efforts, etc. as we live our lives. All this inequality is observable without succumbing to any notions of 'supermen' or different spiritual development.
Now as you would notice, the above- mentioned usage of "equality" implies same-ness. And enforcing that kind of equality is artifical and abhorrent, let alone being impossible. Is it this notion of equality that we are talking about when we refer to racism and castes? No. If anything, the relevant notion of equality is that of equality of opportunity.
Racism and casteism strongly vitiate against equality of opportunity. Despite being socio- cultural constructs, these serve to artifically distort personal choices, reduce access to education and social infrastructure and hence also subsequent economic contribution. Essentially, racism and casteism are themselves artifical barriers, anything but natural, and if society were to be viewed in terms of a 'market' (in the economic sense) these are market imperfections. In sum, they are at least as bad a case of artificiality as communism. To use words similar to yours, "enforcing a terrible, artifical" inequality (like racism or castes) can also cause us to descend into nightmares of a shattered, fragmented, dysfunctional society.
Finally, your mention of corrections and things evening out in the long run (I especially liked the bit about brownian motion, a sweet allusion to our undergraduate studies) is valid but neither here nor there. In the long run, to paraphrase Keynes, we are all dead.... and in the very long run, the physical entropy can only increase. Remember the 2nd law of thermodynamics?
But so what? In my view, consciousness is the prime anti- entropy force. And if we call ourselves conscious, sentient beings then we have a responsibility to do what is right and not merely let so- called nature run its course. As you are fond of saying, "all this is Maya", an illusion. Well, even if we are mere actors in a play, let us be good actors, let us be the best actors we can be.
Join the side of the Force, Lord Vader :-)
Vacation as a Detox
Back from a two- week vacation spent mostly in village. Other than the obvious benefits of rest, relaxation, meeting family and friends there was one not so obvious - that of weaning away from internet, emails and mobile calls and text.
Felt good to get 'unplugged' from the 'wired' world; but all through, I had this nagging feeling that I was missing something. Amazing how quickly we have gotten used to being connected in the world of internet, wireless and mobile technologies.
Wonder what the feeling may be like in another 25 years, as the promises of all- pervasive, ubiquitous computing come to fruition.
Felt good to get 'unplugged' from the 'wired' world; but all through, I had this nagging feeling that I was missing something. Amazing how quickly we have gotten used to being connected in the world of internet, wireless and mobile technologies.
Wonder what the feeling may be like in another 25 years, as the promises of all- pervasive, ubiquitous computing come to fruition.
March 31, 2007
Racism, castes and shame
These days, UK is commemorating the bicentenary of the 1807 Abolition of Slave Trade Act. Newspapers coverage of Blair's message to Ghana highlighted his (implicit) refusal to apologise for Britain's role in slavery since he had only expressed "deep sorrow and regret" for the suffering of the people. Later this was followed by a protester interrupting the church service attended by the Queen to demand an apology.
However, what made an impact on me, was viewing a documentary, "Racism - A History" on BBC 4 on March 28. Here is BBC press office's description
"Filmed in Australia, the United States, India and Southern Africa, A History Of Racism turns its attention to the development of eugenic theories and explores the historical connections between the colonial genocides of the 19th century and one of the pivotal events of the 20th: the Holocaust.
The programme begins by examining the violence perpetrated on native races by the early European settlers in Tasmania. These atrocities were given legitimacy in the middle of the 18th century with the development of "Social Darwinism". This new theory applied the principle of "the survival of the fittest" – previously used to account for natural selection in the animal world – to human society. It was hard to ignore the fact that, as Europe's Empire-builders spread across the globe, the pre-existing populations of the countries they colonised had a tendency to perish.
Silent because of a phrase used in describing the mindset of the Social Darwinians and Eugenicists - ".... a hierarchy of races ..."
Silent because then it had struck me that our glorious Indian Caste System was same in essence. Not that this was absolutely new knowledge. Thrust of an intellectual fencer would be that originally castes were based on occupation and not on birth. I know that, too. Two years ago, I gave a presentation on the subject to a bunch of 12-14 year olds at Lycee Francaise in London; and I took great pains to explain the origins of the 'Varna' system. Pity that then no kid asked me the question which I asked myself now ... Forget the origins; what is the reality in the here and now? Isn't is a form of racism? And I was forced to admit to myself, the answer is, "Yes, casteism is a form of racism."
Silent because suddenly I was ashamed. It just wasn't enough that I can claim to personally not have discriminated against anyone on basis of caste. Ashamed that I hadn't done enough; ashamed that whenever a non- Indian had commented on the evils of the present day caste- system, I had made the issue sound smaller than what it is, either by pointing to the origins or to highlight the progress made in the past few decades.
Perhaps, it was because of the pride I take in Indian and Hindu heritage; may be I was motivated by a desire to 'protect' India and Hindu culture and society. Now I think that pride/ nationalism was misplaced. Truer pride lies in acknowledging and righting the wrongs.
However, what made an impact on me, was viewing a documentary, "Racism - A History" on BBC 4 on March 28. Here is BBC press office's description
"Filmed in Australia, the United States, India and Southern Africa, A History Of Racism turns its attention to the development of eugenic theories and explores the historical connections between the colonial genocides of the 19th century and one of the pivotal events of the 20th: the Holocaust.
The programme begins by examining the violence perpetrated on native races by the early European settlers in Tasmania. These atrocities were given legitimacy in the middle of the 18th century with the development of "Social Darwinism". This new theory applied the principle of "the survival of the fittest" – previously used to account for natural selection in the animal world – to human society. It was hard to ignore the fact that, as Europe's Empire-builders spread across the globe, the pre-existing populations of the countries they colonised had a tendency to perish.
Social Darwinism presented the extinction of these "weaker" human races as an inevitable and entirely "natural" consequence of their racial inferiority. The theory provided a pretext for the domination, exploitation and even extermination of the so-called "darker races" in the Pacific, South East Asia and Southern Africa for years to come."
Silent because of a phrase used in describing the mindset of the Social Darwinians and Eugenicists - ".... a hierarchy of races ..."
Silent because then it had struck me that our glorious Indian Caste System was same in essence. Not that this was absolutely new knowledge. Thrust of an intellectual fencer would be that originally castes were based on occupation and not on birth. I know that, too. Two years ago, I gave a presentation on the subject to a bunch of 12-14 year olds at Lycee Francaise in London; and I took great pains to explain the origins of the 'Varna' system. Pity that then no kid asked me the question which I asked myself now ... Forget the origins; what is the reality in the here and now? Isn't is a form of racism? And I was forced to admit to myself, the answer is, "Yes, casteism is a form of racism."
Silent because suddenly I was ashamed. It just wasn't enough that I can claim to personally not have discriminated against anyone on basis of caste. Ashamed that I hadn't done enough; ashamed that whenever a non- Indian had commented on the evils of the present day caste- system, I had made the issue sound smaller than what it is, either by pointing to the origins or to highlight the progress made in the past few decades.
Perhaps, it was because of the pride I take in Indian and Hindu heritage; may be I was motivated by a desire to 'protect' India and Hindu culture and society. Now I think that pride/ nationalism was misplaced. Truer pride lies in acknowledging and righting the wrongs.
Hindu caste system,
slave trade abolition,
March 27, 2007
Raktabeej (रक्तबीज), biotech ... and animal rights

Yesterday happened to be the last day (ashtami, अष्टमी) of winter Navaratri. During the recitation of great deeds of the goddess Durga and her avatars, there is a story of her vanquishing Raktabeej. As the name suggests (Rakta रक्त = blood; and Beej बीज = seed), each drop of Raktabeej's blood that fell to the ground created another demon.
Now you may wonder why would I think of Raktabeej when I am so far away from home.
Well, yesterday evening, we also watched 'Animal Farm,' an interesting documentary on Channel 4 discussing genetic modification and the "tangle of ethical and moral issues that surrounds it." Within the programme, there was a segment on 'plasma cows' who are genetically modified to be able to produce human antibodies and their plasma is harvested. The picture above is that of a plasma cow in a wooden cage/ scaffolding, hooked up to suction pumps harvesting the blood (the blood pump is sanitised away in the cropped picture).
Also, the programme covered the use of stem cells: these undifferentiated cells can be induced to grow into any part of body (see here for details) and would serve the basis of organ replacement and regrowth (perhaps even rejuvenation, in the future). So, one could almost think of the stem cells as 'seed' cells.
There you have it.... beginnings of modern Raktabeej!
How do I feel about it? Ambivalent. As for the chance to save human lives - great! Novelty value of advances in science - thrilling! Unknown risks - ??? Use of animals - ok, actually. In the case of plasma cows, in my view, there isn't difference between harvesting milk or blood . The latter gets replaced, and apparently the harvesting process is 'humane'. After all, in neither case, do we seek the cow's consent. [Also, reminded myself that Masai herders do drink cow's blood when they are on the move, as did Mongols with horses and ponies.] And lastly, perhaps it is better to harvest for blood than to kill for meat.
But the last bit does make a voracious omnivore like me wonder as to where I would choose to stand on the issue of 'animal rights', a much broader area than merely turning vegetarian. The internal jury is still out there ...
March 20, 2007
Blog in Hindi/ Devanagari - A Follow- up
After yesterday's post - my first attempt in blogging in hindi, i.e. devanagari script - I received a comment from 'Unmukt' (उन्मुक) where he mentioned that people have been blogging in Hindi for over a year, even if's Hindi transliteration support has been launched recently.
That is welcome news indeed, and the increasing content is borne out by the number of Hindi blogs at the following blog which maintains a list:
Moreover, provides an aggregator service for Hindi blogs. I haven't yet checked out the comprehensiveness of their service
Also, came across an interesting blog, naisadak, written by a Hindi TV journalist, Raveesh Kumar. Sharp, witty, insightful and daring! After so many years of off-and-on reading print journalism in Hindi, I was beginning to despair at the stale, blinkered views and superficial analysis. This blog gives that earlier impression a lie.
And finally, as a digression, Google now offers India news in Hindi at 'Google Samachar Bharat.'
हिंदी चिट्ठों के लिंक्स:
चिट्ठों की सूची : हिन्दी - चिट्ठे एवं पॉडकास्ट
हिंदी चिट्ठों का Aggregator: हिंदीब्लोग्स.कॉम
एक रोचक ब्लोग: नई सड़क / क़स्बा
भारतीय समाचार हिंदी में : गूगल समाचार भारत
That is welcome news indeed, and the increasing content is borne out by the number of Hindi blogs at the following blog which maintains a list:
Moreover, provides an aggregator service for Hindi blogs. I haven't yet checked out the comprehensiveness of their service
Also, came across an interesting blog, naisadak, written by a Hindi TV journalist, Raveesh Kumar. Sharp, witty, insightful and daring! After so many years of off-and-on reading print journalism in Hindi, I was beginning to despair at the stale, blinkered views and superficial analysis. This blog gives that earlier impression a lie.
And finally, as a digression, Google now offers India news in Hindi at 'Google Samachar Bharat.'
हिंदी चिट्ठों के लिंक्स:
चिट्ठों की सूची : हिन्दी - चिट्ठे एवं पॉडकास्ट
हिंदी चिट्ठों का Aggregator: हिंदीब्लोग्स.कॉम
एक रोचक ब्लोग: नई सड़क / क़स्बा
भारतीय समाचार हिंदी में : गूगल समाचार भारत
Devanagri script,
Google Hindi news,
Hindi blogs,
March 19, 2007
हिंदी में ब्लोग - पहला प्रयास
आज पता चला कि अब ब्लॉगर में हिंदी लिखी जा सकती है, यानी ब्लॉगर हिंदी transliteration (अनुवाद / translation नहीं) support करता है । तो मैने सोचा कि कोशिश की जाय । फल आपके सामने हैं। जैसा आप देख सकते हैं, अभी भी काफी समस्याएं हैं, पर पहले की तुलना में काफी प्रगति हैं।
एक वजह और भी हैं। भारत में कई अपने ऐसे हैं जिनके लिए हिंदी में पढना अधिक सरल हैं । और, मुझे यह बात खल रही थी कि अब तक जोभी मैने इस blog में लिखा, वोह सब पढ़ना उन लोगों के लिए आसान नही हैं ; यानी , वोह लोग एक मायने में 'excluded' थे।
अगर आप भी हिंदी / देवनागरी transliteration try करना चाहते हैं तोयहां देखें।
P.S. - Please check that your browser is correctly set up to read Indic fonts. In this blog, despite other problems, कि displays correctly, and not as क and इ . See here for help on indic fonts.
एक वजह और भी हैं। भारत में कई अपने ऐसे हैं जिनके लिए हिंदी में पढना अधिक सरल हैं । और, मुझे यह बात खल रही थी कि अब तक जोभी मैने इस blog में लिखा, वोह सब पढ़ना उन लोगों के लिए आसान नही हैं ; यानी , वोह लोग एक मायने में 'excluded' थे।
अगर आप भी हिंदी / देवनागरी transliteration try करना चाहते हैं तोयहां देखें।
P.S. - Please check that your browser is correctly set up to read Indic fonts. In this blog, despite other problems, कि displays correctly, and not as क and इ . See here for help on indic fonts.
Devanagri script,
Global Socio- Cultural Values - Interesting studies
Over the past week, I came across a couple of interesting sites with studies on how social values vary across different cultures and nations. These studies provide a good conceptual framework for understanding the clash of values/ viewpoints; and have helped me understand to a degree the underlying motivation and 'why' of my past posts on this blog (why the outsider's view may be so different). Going forward, I intend to apply some of the learnings from these frameworks and surveys in future posts, but this post aims only to provide the background and list relevant sources.
According to American Environics, social values are:
- A person's mental posture or fundamental world view. Shapes definition of "self- interest."
- Formed early in life, usually fixed by one's mid-teens.
- Evolved slowly over time through education and life experiences.
- Major events - wars, depressions, etc - can trigger society- wide values shift.
- NOT fads.
- NOT "moral values" or "core values."
And here is a sample socio-cultural map:

(Source URL:
Much more detailed work on global values has been done by (World Values Survey), which claims, or at least, aims to be the "world's most comprehensive survey of political and sociocultural change."
The surveys were "designed to provide a comprehensive measurement of all major areas of human concern, from religion to politics to economic and social life and two dimensions dominate the picture: (1) Traditional/ Secular-rational and (2) Survival/Self-expression values. These two dimensions explain more than 70 percent of the cross-national variance in a factor analysis of ten indicators-and each of these dimensions is strongly correlated with scores of other important orientations."
The Traditional/Secular-rational values dimension reflects the contrast between societies. 'Traditional' values, as can be guessed, emphasise religion, deference to authority, family values, national pride and nationalistic outlook; and reject divorce, abortion, euthanasia, and suicide.
The second major dimension reflects the "transition from industrial society to post-industrial societies-which brings a polarization between Survival and Self-expression values". The 'Self- Expression' value cluster emphasises "subjective well-being, self-expression and quality of life" along with environmental protection, tolerance of diversity (including foreigners, gays and lesbians, gender equality), and interpersonal trust.
The above-mentioned findings and correlations are visualized on the following Inglehart-Welzel cultural map of the World.

(Source URL:
Let us see in later posts as to what extent we agree or disagree with the above values map and where our individual values lie.
Some related documents:
- American Environics' Evolution of Global Values (pdf)
- World Values Survey's presentation on changes in cultural values between 1981 and 2006: Human Development View on Value Change (zipped powerpoint)
According to American Environics, social values are:
- A person's mental posture or fundamental world view. Shapes definition of "self- interest."
- Formed early in life, usually fixed by one's mid-teens.
- Evolved slowly over time through education and life experiences.
- Major events - wars, depressions, etc - can trigger society- wide values shift.
- NOT fads.
- NOT "moral values" or "core values."
And here is a sample socio-cultural map:

(Source URL:
Much more detailed work on global values has been done by (World Values Survey), which claims, or at least, aims to be the "world's most comprehensive survey of political and sociocultural change."
The surveys were "designed to provide a comprehensive measurement of all major areas of human concern, from religion to politics to economic and social life and two dimensions dominate the picture: (1) Traditional/ Secular-rational and (2) Survival/Self-expression values. These two dimensions explain more than 70 percent of the cross-national variance in a factor analysis of ten indicators-and each of these dimensions is strongly correlated with scores of other important orientations."
The Traditional/Secular-rational values dimension reflects the contrast between societies. 'Traditional' values, as can be guessed, emphasise religion, deference to authority, family values, national pride and nationalistic outlook; and reject divorce, abortion, euthanasia, and suicide.
The second major dimension reflects the "transition from industrial society to post-industrial societies-which brings a polarization between Survival and Self-expression values". The 'Self- Expression' value cluster emphasises "subjective well-being, self-expression and quality of life" along with environmental protection, tolerance of diversity (including foreigners, gays and lesbians, gender equality), and interpersonal trust.
The above-mentioned findings and correlations are visualized on the following Inglehart-Welzel cultural map of the World.

(Source URL:
Let us see in later posts as to what extent we agree or disagree with the above values map and where our individual values lie.
Some related documents:
- American Environics' Evolution of Global Values (pdf)
- World Values Survey's presentation on changes in cultural values between 1981 and 2006: Human Development View on Value Change (zipped powerpoint)
March 14, 2007
Protest. But Which Way?
While walking along the Thames yesterday, this Greenpeace protest banner ('Tony loves WMD') at Westminster caught my eye. (For background, click here).
It made me think of a contrasting style of protest; often witnessed in middle- east and India; with a mob shouting slogans at the top of their voice, burning effigies. Do we believe that we only get heard when we shout? If yes, why?

And, is over- the- top protest effective? I think not; whatever little efficacy exists, it drops sharply with overuse. Imagine a TV advertisement relying solely on sound volume to gain attention or to persuade.. On the other hand, if one is to apply lessons of marketing to protesting, surely a strategy based on differentiation and creative approaches would be more effective.
Hope the loud ones get the message... and turn the volume down.
how to protest,
March 09, 2007
Dead Pensioners - A Contrast
Lucknow pension authorities have delivered an impressive performance once again. While UK pension authorities can't get their get act together, Lucknow has shown tremendous foresight!
Last year, UK paid out more than £57million in benefits to people already dead (see details here). Now contrast that with Lucknow. A pensioner, Sukhdeyi, who landed up to collect her pension found herself officially declared dead! (Dainik Jagran's news-item, in Hindi).
If that isn't foresight and proactive reduction of benefit fraud, what is?
Moreover, it also makes me think how would poor Sukhdeyi prove herself to be alive? How can an officially dead person even submit an application to rescind her dead status? Would she be in a predicament similar to that of Yossarian in 'Catch-22'?
Truly, the world is all Maya, an illusion; and we all are figments of someone's imagination.
Last year, UK paid out more than £57million in benefits to people already dead (see details here). Now contrast that with Lucknow. A pensioner, Sukhdeyi, who landed up to collect her pension found herself officially declared dead! (Dainik Jagran's news-item, in Hindi).
If that isn't foresight and proactive reduction of benefit fraud, what is?
Moreover, it also makes me think how would poor Sukhdeyi prove herself to be alive? How can an officially dead person even submit an application to rescind her dead status? Would she be in a predicament similar to that of Yossarian in 'Catch-22'?
Truly, the world is all Maya, an illusion; and we all are figments of someone's imagination.
benefit fraud,
Catch- 22,
dead pensioners,
March 06, 2007
Lucknow in London, for real!
Made an exciting discovery today, that of Lucknow in London!
Actually, it is Lucknow Street, in the Greenwich borough (see the arrow on the map). That is not too far from where I stay, so hopefully one day I will manage to travel to Lucknow street and take a few photographs of 'Lucknow in London'.
If you now live in a place different from where you were born, have you come across your birthplace in the city of your residence?
P.S.: Since then also found Lucknow Street in Blackburn, Cardiff, Darlington County Durham, Portsmouth and Rochdale in the UK! Mmmm.... more popular name than I thought.
Actually, it is Lucknow Street, in the Greenwich borough (see the arrow on the map). That is not too far from where I stay, so hopefully one day I will manage to travel to Lucknow street and take a few photographs of 'Lucknow in London'.
If you now live in a place different from where you were born, have you come across your birthplace in the city of your residence?
P.S.: Since then also found Lucknow Street in Blackburn, Cardiff, Darlington County Durham, Portsmouth and Rochdale in the UK! Mmmm.... more popular name than I thought.
March 01, 2007
Fashion Models: Standard of Beauty?





An email forwarded to us carried these photos of models. After I had cycled through feelings of revulsion (God! That's horrendous) and disbelief (Must have been Photoshopped), I was forced to think.
I guess most of us assume that fashion models establish a standard of beauty. Yet in this case, the eye gives a lie to our assumptions. Is modelling at all about good looks? If beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, whose eye is it?
Even if we assume a purely functional, than aesthetic, view of fashion models - that they serve to drape the clothes, hence thinner is better - that raises another question. Which customers are the designers designing for? When I look around, I am hard pressed to find stick-thin figures. Increasingly, fashion modelling starts looking like an exercise in creating fanstasies, perhaps like playing a game of 'dungeons and dragons.'
Does anyone know what is going on here?
Victim of Abuse? 218 vs 88
Connor McCreaddie, an 8 year old, has made a big splash because of his weight. In December, he weighed 218 pounds (97 kg), three times of the weight of an average child his age. As The Sun fascinatingly puts it, he "has broken four beds, five bikes and six toilet seats due to his bulk" and "cannot even manage the five-minute walk to school without getting out of breath or being sick."
Situation had gotten so bad that last week there was talk of Connor being taken away from his family and put under protective custody of social care authorities. Apparently, one of the arguments was that letting Connor binge amounted to child abuse.
Well, the sages have weighed in. Connor remains at home. But for some, the questions remain: Is it a form of abuse? Is Connor a victim?
There are alleged victims at the other end of spectrum too. The ongoing debate on 'size zero' fashion models and the effect they have as role models has had the government weighing in against the "cult of size zero" and "tyranny of thinness". The BBC news article also shows a picture of the Brazilian model who died weighing just 88 pounds (39 kg).
What happened to old-fashioned images of weight-challenge, namely those of starving children? How do the new victims like Connor and size-zero models compare with old ones? I cannot help thinking that the 'victim culture' is being taken a bit too far.
Also, should the government or state authorities get involved at all? No wonder, even the TV ads have started taking the mickey out of the 'nanny state.'
What happened to the notion of personal responsibility?
Situation had gotten so bad that last week there was talk of Connor being taken away from his family and put under protective custody of social care authorities. Apparently, one of the arguments was that letting Connor binge amounted to child abuse.
Well, the sages have weighed in. Connor remains at home. But for some, the questions remain: Is it a form of abuse? Is Connor a victim?
There are alleged victims at the other end of spectrum too. The ongoing debate on 'size zero' fashion models and the effect they have as role models has had the government weighing in against the "cult of size zero" and "tyranny of thinness". The BBC news article also shows a picture of the Brazilian model who died weighing just 88 pounds (39 kg).
What happened to old-fashioned images of weight-challenge, namely those of starving children? How do the new victims like Connor and size-zero models compare with old ones? I cannot help thinking that the 'victim culture' is being taken a bit too far.
Also, should the government or state authorities get involved at all? No wonder, even the TV ads have started taking the mickey out of the 'nanny state.'
What happened to the notion of personal responsibility?
Connor McCreaddie,
nanny state,
super models,
February 27, 2007
Finer Human Hungers
Yesterday I received an annual report from Lester B. Pearson College, which is only one of my old schools but one that is the closest to my heart. The two years at Pearson College were a life-shaping experience: As a sound-bite, to describe the experience in a sentence, then I used to say, "Two hundred students, 52 countries." Now the number stands at 86 countries as per the Annual Report and 88 as on the website.
But now I begin to understand a bit of what shaped the founding philosophy. While reading the report, I was quite moved to read a quote from Lester B Pearson, Canada's ex- Prime Minister and a Noble Peace Prize winner:
"Education is above all, and ever has been, the process of learning how to think honestly and straight: to distinguish between the true and false; to appreciate quality and beauty wherever it may be found; and to be able to participate and to desire to participate with intelligence and tolerance in that most important of all forms of free enterprise, the exchange of ideas on every subject under the sun, with a minimum of every restriction, personal, social, or political. In a word, education means - and this I think is the best definition of it that I have ever discovered - the 'creation of finer human hungers'."
27th May 1961
Excerpted from Lester B. Pearson's Address to Sir George Williams University
Couldn't have said it better...
May our finer hungers be sated and renewed.
But now I begin to understand a bit of what shaped the founding philosophy. While reading the report, I was quite moved to read a quote from Lester B Pearson, Canada's ex- Prime Minister and a Noble Peace Prize winner:
"Education is above all, and ever has been, the process of learning how to think honestly and straight: to distinguish between the true and false; to appreciate quality and beauty wherever it may be found; and to be able to participate and to desire to participate with intelligence and tolerance in that most important of all forms of free enterprise, the exchange of ideas on every subject under the sun, with a minimum of every restriction, personal, social, or political. In a word, education means - and this I think is the best definition of it that I have ever discovered - the 'creation of finer human hungers'."
27th May 1961
Excerpted from Lester B. Pearson's Address to Sir George Williams University
Couldn't have said it better...
May our finer hungers be sated and renewed.
February 23, 2007
Novartis vs Indian Patent Laws - Pointers to Deeper Issues
Consider the case of Novartis' patent lawsuit against the Indian government.
Here is a simple background: From 1992 onwards, Novartis filed for patent for the alpha version of its cancer drug, Glivec (Gleevec in the US) across the world. At that stage, Indian patent laws did not support product patents. In 1995 India became a signatory to the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Agreement and subsequently enacted the Patents Act in 2005. At this stage, Novartis filed for India patent for the beta version Glivec. In December 2005, Novartis' patent application was turned down by the Indian Patents Office on the grounds that it didn't meet the requirements under Section 3(d) of the Act, which requires that "derivatives of known substances cannot be patented unless they can be shown to differ in terms of efficacy". In 2006, Novartis took the Indian government to court arguing that the latter's patent laws were in violation of internation trade laws. Presently, the court hearings are going on.
Prima facie, the issue is simply whether the Indian patent laws militate against Intellectual Property Rights (IPR); specifically, whether the Patent Act (and especially Section 3 (d)) violate the TRIPs agreement to which India is a signatory. Here, the Report of the Mashelkar Committee appointed by the Indian government suggests that limitation of patentability in the Indian law is "beyond the scope of TRIPS flexibilities approved by the WTO." So the score card should read, 'Novartis 1 - Indian patent law 0.' [See Roger Bate's article, for a detailed, if somewhat narrow and pro industry, discussion.]
But live issues are rarely that simple. The battle has been joined by industry associations on the one hand and NGOs, activists and even the European parliament on the side of consumers (see Gerhardsen's blog for a good round-up). The key argument employed by the pro-consumer groups is that of 'market access,' that is the affordability of the drugs for poor consumers, especially in the context of developing countries. The pro- consumer groups are pressuring Novartis to drop the case.
For me, the Novartis story raises a set of inter-related questions.
First, what is our fundamental view of 'property'; is it exclusively meant to serve the interests of 'owners,' or may there be other stake-holders (or society) whose requirements may restrict or limit the owners' rights? In a deeper sense, this also points to a fundamental question, that of the dividing line between the individual and the larger group, community, society or the world.
Second, whether and why we need 'property' at all? Seemingly obvious answer is justice or fairness, i.e. you earned it, so you should enjoyed the benefits from it. (if yes, what about inheritance? And also, how much our personal achievements are based on attributes and abilities which may either be inherited from or developed by others). This essentially points to what the economists call 'incentive compatibility': that if I have fully, or almost, exclusive rights to the fruits of my labour, I will work hard; else I may not and if all of us behave like in a similar fashion, all of us collectively are worse off. This would sound familiar given the flood of praise for capitalism, especially after its victory over communism. But now some of us think that unbridled capitalism has a darker side, an uncaring face and it is its own enemy (see here and here). If that criticism be valid, what is a more robust mechanism?
Third, in view of 'unintended consequences' can regulation ever fully succeed? Given a set of incentives (e.g. maximising profits or shareholders wealth, or more realistically, managers' share options and bonuses), corporates may ignore their responsibilities to the society. Regulation; hard in form of laws or soft in the form of agreements or voluntary arrangements; is intended to provide the 'checks and balances.' This too has limited success. To take two drug-companies related examples from recent news, the UK National Health Service (NHS) finds itself overpaying for brand drugs when much cheaper alternatives are available; and it is considering a probe into cap on drug profits.
Finally, what value do we place on compassion, how do we prioritise and action it? Should issues of compassions be routed through regulations and law? Public pressure and activism? Individual acts like charity and philanthropy?
The answers vary widely across individuals, societies and nations. Even so, it helps to know what each of us stands for.
Happy thinking. Happy commenting.
Here is a simple background: From 1992 onwards, Novartis filed for patent for the alpha version of its cancer drug, Glivec (Gleevec in the US) across the world. At that stage, Indian patent laws did not support product patents. In 1995 India became a signatory to the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Agreement and subsequently enacted the Patents Act in 2005. At this stage, Novartis filed for India patent for the beta version Glivec. In December 2005, Novartis' patent application was turned down by the Indian Patents Office on the grounds that it didn't meet the requirements under Section 3(d) of the Act, which requires that "derivatives of known substances cannot be patented unless they can be shown to differ in terms of efficacy". In 2006, Novartis took the Indian government to court arguing that the latter's patent laws were in violation of internation trade laws. Presently, the court hearings are going on.
Prima facie, the issue is simply whether the Indian patent laws militate against Intellectual Property Rights (IPR); specifically, whether the Patent Act (and especially Section 3 (d)) violate the TRIPs agreement to which India is a signatory. Here, the Report of the Mashelkar Committee appointed by the Indian government suggests that limitation of patentability in the Indian law is "beyond the scope of TRIPS flexibilities approved by the WTO." So the score card should read, 'Novartis 1 - Indian patent law 0.' [See Roger Bate's article, for a detailed, if somewhat narrow and pro industry, discussion.]
But live issues are rarely that simple. The battle has been joined by industry associations on the one hand and NGOs, activists and even the European parliament on the side of consumers (see Gerhardsen's blog for a good round-up). The key argument employed by the pro-consumer groups is that of 'market access,' that is the affordability of the drugs for poor consumers, especially in the context of developing countries. The pro- consumer groups are pressuring Novartis to drop the case.
For me, the Novartis story raises a set of inter-related questions.
First, what is our fundamental view of 'property'; is it exclusively meant to serve the interests of 'owners,' or may there be other stake-holders (or society) whose requirements may restrict or limit the owners' rights? In a deeper sense, this also points to a fundamental question, that of the dividing line between the individual and the larger group, community, society or the world.
Second, whether and why we need 'property' at all? Seemingly obvious answer is justice or fairness, i.e. you earned it, so you should enjoyed the benefits from it. (if yes, what about inheritance? And also, how much our personal achievements are based on attributes and abilities which may either be inherited from or developed by others). This essentially points to what the economists call 'incentive compatibility': that if I have fully, or almost, exclusive rights to the fruits of my labour, I will work hard; else I may not and if all of us behave like in a similar fashion, all of us collectively are worse off. This would sound familiar given the flood of praise for capitalism, especially after its victory over communism. But now some of us think that unbridled capitalism has a darker side, an uncaring face and it is its own enemy (see here and here). If that criticism be valid, what is a more robust mechanism?
Third, in view of 'unintended consequences' can regulation ever fully succeed? Given a set of incentives (e.g. maximising profits or shareholders wealth, or more realistically, managers' share options and bonuses), corporates may ignore their responsibilities to the society. Regulation; hard in form of laws or soft in the form of agreements or voluntary arrangements; is intended to provide the 'checks and balances.' This too has limited success. To take two drug-companies related examples from recent news, the UK National Health Service (NHS) finds itself overpaying for brand drugs when much cheaper alternatives are available; and it is considering a probe into cap on drug profits.
Finally, what value do we place on compassion, how do we prioritise and action it? Should issues of compassions be routed through regulations and law? Public pressure and activism? Individual acts like charity and philanthropy?
The answers vary widely across individuals, societies and nations. Even so, it helps to know what each of us stands for.
Happy thinking. Happy commenting.
February 20, 2007
Fearless Leader and Foreign Hand


On February 18th, Shri Mulayam Singh Yadav, the who-knows-whether-and-for-how-long Chief Minister of UP, delivered a speech which has made me shake my head in wonder and awe. He alleged that foreign hands were involved in the conspiracy to topple his government (details here).
No wonder that even for the likes of non- resident UPite like me, he remains our Fearless Leader. Simple folks like us may well have imagined that the Foreign Hand had been somewhat busy over the past few years in hot-spots like Iraq, Afghanistan, North Korea and Darfur. Only Fearless Leader's wisdom and subtle intelligence could see through the cunning deception of Foreign Hand and lay it bare for mere mortals, you and me, who now stand chastened for our rash conclusions about the non- involvement of the foreign hand.
All the while we thought that billions of dollars were funding the 'war against terror,' Foreign Hand had been planning covert operations to destabilise Fearless Leader's glorious reign. Surely, in a few years, we will see another Oliver North-like testimony, "The President didn't know, but we were (again) selling drugs to fund destabilization of Mr. Yadav's regime."
Now that I can clearly think about the threat, I find the co-incidence very suspicious: Did you notice that recently Foreign Hand has given up destabilising another fearless leader, Kim Jong-il? Could it be that Foreign Hand is getting increasingly desperate?
Or perhaps I am entirely mistaken. Perhaps Fearless Leader was referring to Ms. Sonia Gandhi? Or Bhutan (why not, after all)? ... Or 'foreigners' like me?
February 17, 2007
When Lumpens Hijack Culture
When lumpens hijack culture, the meaning gets distorted by association. We lose what we consider good and clean and precious.
A case in point is the Swastika symbol. Through history and across many cultures - not only Indian - swastika has been a positive, auspicious symbol. It remained so until Hitler and the Nazi party came along. Today, especially in the Western world, swastika symbol has become a emblem of the nazis and neo- nazis. The symbol's meaning stands degraded and corrupted. The word Aryan has suffered a similar fate.
This point was sharply brought to me during a visit last week to my wife's non Indian colleague. The conversation had taken a turn from discussing words common between colloquial Hindi and Bulgarian, to commonality in Indo- European languages. I had used the example of how Hitler had hooked onto the Aryan theme and that swastika was and remains an auspicious symbol amongst Indians, particularly hindus, buddhists and jains. Even as we were talking, I could see what may have been a shade of incredulity on the carefully polite faces of the listeners. Wasn't this a loss of my culture too? Not by what I had done, but what some lumpen, somewhere else, had done?
That both Indians and the nazis shared swastika and Aryans is known to most educated Indians. But in some instances, it is used an argument to support our pride, "Look how the glory of Aryan race and culture was acknowledged even by Hitler!" Dead wrong. Hitler had approached it from a different direction. If that is in doubt, just consider what the nazi's ideal of the master race, the (nazi) Aryan, looked like: tall, blond, blue eyes. This was a Nordic look, not that of Indo Aryans. We can easily guess that if Hitler had gotten around to occupying India, the (Indian) Aryans would have also gone the way of 'inferior races' and 'mixed blood' types, to the concentration camps, where we Indians would have learnt the superior value of work (camp motto was 'work shall set you free', arbeit macht frei) and also solved our population problem.
By the way, London is trying to fight with similar- themed problem, that of yobs and gun- crimes, as within the past fortnight, three teenagers have been shot dead in South London suburbs. Responding to this, Alan Duncan, a senior Tory politician, said, "The greatest problem we need to address in Britain is that it is steadily becoming decivilised." (London Metro, February 16, 2007;
The silent majority actively needs to be on its guard if it is to protect its culture, civilisation and values against the yobs and anti- social elements, whether it be in India or Britain. After all, yobs across the world share the same value, that violence is 'cool'. It is time for the majority who think that violence is 'uncool' to also be heard.
For a detailed note on swastika, see wikipedia entry ( . A word of caution, wikipedia entries may be very interesting and mostly accurate, but are neither absolutely reliable nor academically rigorous. So be careful before you use it as a formal reference.
A case in point is the Swastika symbol. Through history and across many cultures - not only Indian - swastika has been a positive, auspicious symbol. It remained so until Hitler and the Nazi party came along. Today, especially in the Western world, swastika symbol has become a emblem of the nazis and neo- nazis. The symbol's meaning stands degraded and corrupted. The word Aryan has suffered a similar fate.
This point was sharply brought to me during a visit last week to my wife's non Indian colleague. The conversation had taken a turn from discussing words common between colloquial Hindi and Bulgarian, to commonality in Indo- European languages. I had used the example of how Hitler had hooked onto the Aryan theme and that swastika was and remains an auspicious symbol amongst Indians, particularly hindus, buddhists and jains. Even as we were talking, I could see what may have been a shade of incredulity on the carefully polite faces of the listeners. Wasn't this a loss of my culture too? Not by what I had done, but what some lumpen, somewhere else, had done?
That both Indians and the nazis shared swastika and Aryans is known to most educated Indians. But in some instances, it is used an argument to support our pride, "Look how the glory of Aryan race and culture was acknowledged even by Hitler!" Dead wrong. Hitler had approached it from a different direction. If that is in doubt, just consider what the nazi's ideal of the master race, the (nazi) Aryan, looked like: tall, blond, blue eyes. This was a Nordic look, not that of Indo Aryans. We can easily guess that if Hitler had gotten around to occupying India, the (Indian) Aryans would have also gone the way of 'inferior races' and 'mixed blood' types, to the concentration camps, where we Indians would have learnt the superior value of work (camp motto was 'work shall set you free', arbeit macht frei) and also solved our population problem.
By the way, London is trying to fight with similar- themed problem, that of yobs and gun- crimes, as within the past fortnight, three teenagers have been shot dead in South London suburbs. Responding to this, Alan Duncan, a senior Tory politician, said, "The greatest problem we need to address in Britain is that it is steadily becoming decivilised." (London Metro, February 16, 2007;
The silent majority actively needs to be on its guard if it is to protect its culture, civilisation and values against the yobs and anti- social elements, whether it be in India or Britain. After all, yobs across the world share the same value, that violence is 'cool'. It is time for the majority who think that violence is 'uncool' to also be heard.
For a detailed note on swastika, see wikipedia entry ( . A word of caution, wikipedia entries may be very interesting and mostly accurate, but are neither absolutely reliable nor academically rigorous. So be careful before you use it as a formal reference.
February 15, 2007
Be My Valentine... Or Else! Don't... Or Else!
In a curious twist to the usual Valentine's day activities, Lucknow University yesterday witnessed an assault by a 'wanna-be Valentine'. As Times of India reports, "the student reportedly tried to corner a girl student forcing her to accept his friendship and when she refused, he turned violent." (details here). The report later goes on to mention that the aforementioned student had been expelled for being an anti- social element; which in UK terms would be a yob with an ASBO (Anti Social Behaviour Order).
So, was it just a case of assault by a confirmed hoodlum? If yes, deplorable as it may be, there is not much unusual there. Or was it also a matter of lack of understanding what Valentine's day is about? Quite likely, yes. This is what makes this incident different from what may happen in London. London too witnesses assaults on women; not as frequently as may be the case in Lucknow and mostly after binge- drinking sessions. But it is unlikely that in London a wanna-be Valentine would think of such a forceful approach to the lady's heart.
Prima facie, such a lack of understanding arises because Valentine's day is a cultural import into India from the western world.
Indeed, that is what a few moral vigilantes in India think. The 'Don't... or Else' part of the title refers to Madhya Pradesh Bajrang Dal's ban on Valentine's Day (full story here).
The article quotes the BD district president, Mr. Purohit - forgive me, I must say Shri Purohit ere I offend - as ,“We will oppose it tooth and nail because the concept of Valentine's Day has come from the West and through it an attempt is being made to spoil Indian culture. ... We have prepared our weapons (sic), by worshipping them, and will use them against the people who will promote western culture by celebrating the Day. ... Our teams will visit all hotels and restaurants and stop the celebrations. The teams will also visit parks frequented by boys and girls”.
I can't resist a s(n)ide remark: Bravo! I am deeply impressed by BD's adherence to traditions in worshipping the weapons!!
Ok, now onto the essential matters.
First, does the practice of Valentine's Day spoil the Indian culture? While we may or may not agree whether it militates against the traditions, I doubt whether it spoils the culture. Culture is a living, dynamic thing. It is subject to change and indeed should be. Also, culture is usually much more robust than we give it credit for. Present day Indian culture has developed by embracing different thoughts, faiths, creeds and sub- cultures: Whether it as commingling of the Aryan and Dravidian cultures five thousand ago, Islamic influences a thousand years ago, British influence a couple of centuries ago or the Western (read American) influences in the recent past. Through all these years, the Indian culture has evolved by embracing and synthesising these diverse influences. If anything, this genius for synthesis has allowed Indian culture to survive and thrive rather than get subjugated and lose its identity. Embracing change and synthesising past and present influences is a strength and not a sign of weakness or rot.
Second, how do we react when we disagree? Is force the answer? Are assault, ban and weapons are the right tools? For me, this is the common theme between the two stories. Whether it was our 'road- side romeo' assaulting the object of his affection or a moral fuhrer talking about the use of weapons to enforce a ban, they both think alike: Do as I say ... Or Else!! And this happens in the so- called land of non- violence.
While we dream of past glories of our five thousand year old civilisation, let's also note what we, the present day Indians, contribute to that heritage. Do we let the lumpens hijack our culture and civilisation?
So, was it just a case of assault by a confirmed hoodlum? If yes, deplorable as it may be, there is not much unusual there. Or was it also a matter of lack of understanding what Valentine's day is about? Quite likely, yes. This is what makes this incident different from what may happen in London. London too witnesses assaults on women; not as frequently as may be the case in Lucknow and mostly after binge- drinking sessions. But it is unlikely that in London a wanna-be Valentine would think of such a forceful approach to the lady's heart.
Prima facie, such a lack of understanding arises because Valentine's day is a cultural import into India from the western world.
Indeed, that is what a few moral vigilantes in India think. The 'Don't... or Else' part of the title refers to Madhya Pradesh Bajrang Dal's ban on Valentine's Day (full story here).
The article quotes the BD district president, Mr. Purohit - forgive me, I must say Shri Purohit ere I offend - as ,“We will oppose it tooth and nail because the concept of Valentine's Day has come from the West and through it an attempt is being made to spoil Indian culture. ... We have prepared our weapons (sic), by worshipping them, and will use them against the people who will promote western culture by celebrating the Day. ... Our teams will visit all hotels and restaurants and stop the celebrations. The teams will also visit parks frequented by boys and girls”.
I can't resist a s(n)ide remark: Bravo! I am deeply impressed by BD's adherence to traditions in worshipping the weapons!!
Ok, now onto the essential matters.
First, does the practice of Valentine's Day spoil the Indian culture? While we may or may not agree whether it militates against the traditions, I doubt whether it spoils the culture. Culture is a living, dynamic thing. It is subject to change and indeed should be. Also, culture is usually much more robust than we give it credit for. Present day Indian culture has developed by embracing different thoughts, faiths, creeds and sub- cultures: Whether it as commingling of the Aryan and Dravidian cultures five thousand ago, Islamic influences a thousand years ago, British influence a couple of centuries ago or the Western (read American) influences in the recent past. Through all these years, the Indian culture has evolved by embracing and synthesising these diverse influences. If anything, this genius for synthesis has allowed Indian culture to survive and thrive rather than get subjugated and lose its identity. Embracing change and synthesising past and present influences is a strength and not a sign of weakness or rot.
Second, how do we react when we disagree? Is force the answer? Are assault, ban and weapons are the right tools? For me, this is the common theme between the two stories. Whether it was our 'road- side romeo' assaulting the object of his affection or a moral fuhrer talking about the use of weapons to enforce a ban, they both think alike: Do as I say ... Or Else!! And this happens in the so- called land of non- violence.
While we dream of past glories of our five thousand year old civilisation, let's also note what we, the present day Indians, contribute to that heritage. Do we let the lumpens hijack our culture and civilisation?
February 13, 2007
Power to the people .... Not!
Forget democracy and empowerment, we are talking about plain and simple matter of electricity supply; or the lack thereof.
I remember that a couple of years ago when I was visiting India, one of my relatives asked me, "So, they say that there are no power cuts ever in London, right?" I nodded sagely, "Absolutely, that is one of simple and amazing things that in most of these countries 24- hour power is taken for granted."
Well, its never a good idea to take anything for granted.
On 12th February, there was a power failure in parts of central London when a burst water pipe flooded a sub-station. Interestingly, the Royal Courts of Justice, the U.K.'s supreme legal authority, was on the receiving end too, and had to postpone all the hearings scheduled for that day.
To long suffering Lakhnavis (residents of Lucknow) the scenario is barely worth noticing; it is something they deal with on an almost daily basis. Whereas, for Londoners it is rare enough to be a newsworthy item.
The real noticeable difference perhaps lies not in the rarity of the event but in the response time. In London, power was restored to all customers by the evening. How likely would that be in Lucknow? I am sure that the answer is, "It depends. If it were the area near the ministers' bungalows... yes, it would have gotten fixed the same day."
Is it paucity of resources? Or just that the average citizen/ customer doesn't count for much in Lucknow? So, in a round about way, is it really about democracy and empowerment?
I remember that a couple of years ago when I was visiting India, one of my relatives asked me, "So, they say that there are no power cuts ever in London, right?" I nodded sagely, "Absolutely, that is one of simple and amazing things that in most of these countries 24- hour power is taken for granted."
Well, its never a good idea to take anything for granted.
On 12th February, there was a power failure in parts of central London when a burst water pipe flooded a sub-station. Interestingly, the Royal Courts of Justice, the U.K.'s supreme legal authority, was on the receiving end too, and had to postpone all the hearings scheduled for that day.
To long suffering Lakhnavis (residents of Lucknow) the scenario is barely worth noticing; it is something they deal with on an almost daily basis. Whereas, for Londoners it is rare enough to be a newsworthy item.
The real noticeable difference perhaps lies not in the rarity of the event but in the response time. In London, power was restored to all customers by the evening. How likely would that be in Lucknow? I am sure that the answer is, "It depends. If it were the area near the ministers' bungalows... yes, it would have gotten fixed the same day."
Is it paucity of resources? Or just that the average citizen/ customer doesn't count for much in Lucknow? So, in a round about way, is it really about democracy and empowerment?
February 12, 2007
What and why?
Recently (Feb 2007), a friend's blog raised the question of identity - does an Indian residing abroad feel like an alien in that land, does he/ she feel completely 'at home' only in India? While the specific question pertains to Indians, surely it points to a general phenomenon of anyone living in a different milieu than one was born and raised in. After all, my friend had titled the post as 'Englishman in New York,' referring to a song by Sting.
It is in the above- mentioned sense that the blog title includes 'desi in London' since I am an Indian native presently living in London.
But there is another side of the issue. Especially when one has been away from the home town or country for a substantial period of time, one's accumulated experiences and indeed, world- view, may differ substantially from experiences of those continuing to reside in the home town. Sometimes, the gulf in experiences and resulting viewpoints can almost make one feel like a foreigner in one's homeland. Hence, 'videshi in Lucknow': the somewhat less intense feeling of being a foreigner in the city where I was born and spent the first 12 years of my life.
And the 'desi - videshi' or 'native- foreigner' phenomenon is not purely a matter of internal feelings but also of external perceptions, which makes it more interesting and rise above mundane narcissism. More on this later...
It is in the above- mentioned sense that the blog title includes 'desi in London' since I am an Indian native presently living in London.
But there is another side of the issue. Especially when one has been away from the home town or country for a substantial period of time, one's accumulated experiences and indeed, world- view, may differ substantially from experiences of those continuing to reside in the home town. Sometimes, the gulf in experiences and resulting viewpoints can almost make one feel like a foreigner in one's homeland. Hence, 'videshi in Lucknow': the somewhat less intense feeling of being a foreigner in the city where I was born and spent the first 12 years of my life.
And the 'desi - videshi' or 'native- foreigner' phenomenon is not purely a matter of internal feelings but also of external perceptions, which makes it more interesting and rise above mundane narcissism. More on this later...
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