March 14, 2007

Protest. But Which Way?

While walking along the Thames yesterday, this Greenpeace protest banner ('Tony loves WMD') at Westminster caught my eye. (For background, click here).

It made me think of a contrasting style of protest; often witnessed in middle- east and India; with a mob shouting slogans at the top of their voice, burning effigies. Do we believe that we only get heard when we shout? If yes, why?

And, is over- the- top protest effective? I think not; whatever little efficacy exists, it drops sharply with overuse. Imagine a TV advertisement relying solely on sound volume to gain attention or to persuade.. On the other hand, if one is to apply lessons of marketing to protesting, surely a strategy based on differentiation and creative approaches would be more effective.

Hope the loud ones get the message... and turn the volume down.

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